Okay I'm currently developing a game for the Empeg for which I am using a port of the GD graphics library. It basically gives you the routines to do rectangles, lines, ellipses, etc. and some simple text. Well, it's working well except that it's quite slow. All I'm doing is a simple menu system and when the player is running, it's very sluggish. Even when it's not, the graphics are way slower than they should be.

Now, I'm thinking that the GD library is hardly ARM optimized. So presumably things would benefit from some ARM assembly routines for low-level graphics. My assembly experience is limited to one class I took on Motorola 68000 assembly, so I'm hardly capable of doing this myself.

So is anyone aware of any work anyone's done in this arena that might be helpful? I know there are a lot of handhelds out there using the StrongARM so I thought someone might have tackled this issue. If there's nothing out there then I guess I'll have to use GD and wait for someone with better assembler knowledge to develop a lightweight 2D graphics API.

Anyway, I'd love to hear opinions on this issue.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff