I hear ya, I used to work in test (I'm in development these days.) I understand your reluctance to bother with an upgrade if b6 were coming out, say, tomorrow... But try to take any potential kinda maybe dates that Rob or anyone else posts with a grain of salt, because as any tester knows, things happen, and dates slip. 2.0b3 was delayed for quite some time while some Emplode installation issues were fixed. So if I were you I'd upgrade now (it takes 5 or 10 minutes) and enjoy 2.0b3 and then not have to worry about when the new beta comes out. Most of the issues that have been found are very minor. But it's up to you.

In any event, I reiterate my request that you stop posting in Wish List and Bug Reports about 1.03. It's just confusing to people who are trying to figure out why you're asking for things that are already there. I had to read through a few of your other posts before I realized you were running 1.03.

Just trying to be helpful.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff