Very very very originally, the player did have vertical menus; horizontal are better, given the controls (or so we decided after playing with both quite a lot).

I like the horizontal menu system. I don’t believe it should move to a vertical one.

However I do find some things annoying about it. It seems like the length of the scrolling animation is hard coded. If you press right many times (or spin the knob a bunch) I feel like I have to wait for the menu to catch up to make sure I haven’t passed what I’m looking for. This effect is magnified for longer menu titles.

A possible quick fix would be to drop the menu animations if more then a couple left/right button presses are “queued” up, and quickly skip right before targeted title, and then animate from there. Did that make sense?

I like the speed of the hijack menu system. Does anyone else feel this way or am I just being picky?
