Since this is the off topic forum I wont feel too guilty about arguing over this.

This has to do with the sheer amount of pixels!

So by that logic (taken slightly out of context I will admit) a $10 drugstore disposable camera takes just as good of pictures as a professional level SLR since they both use the same 35mm film with the same number of phospors/mm? The features that allow you to properly compose the picture and the optics of the camera can be just as important as the number of dots on paper. To someone who knows how to use those features they can be more important.

"As for that used Sony someone mentioned, honestly you can NOT go lower than 2 megapixels if you want a decent 5x8 print"
How's that?

Humor me would you? Grab this image and try printing it at 5x8 and see what you think. I have not tried this as I don't own a color printer so I am curious if you think it makes an acceptable print. The image is kind of harsh as it was taken in doors with the flash, if it was not dark and raining I would go outside and take a picture of a flower or something.

but I guess there's no shaking someone from the whole SLR deal

Very true. People, including me I guess, tend to be rather religious about that.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration