since its XML we can map it using XSLT to *any* XML variant we like
Sure...if you know XSL. The thing about the export, for me, was that I could use it to quickly look up what I have on my EMPEG, see what I am missing, what I still need to rip, etc. CSV works great for this as I can put it into excel and sort it anyway which way. With the XML, though, I can not even look and see what tunes go with what playlist without knowing the fid, etc.

I know this is a dump of the data and done in 5 minutes. I am just voicing my opinions here. Maybe everyone who owns an EMPEG can write an XSLT file without a problem. Then again, I doubt this. At least with a cleaner format, those people would be able to open the XML in IE and have an easier time. Then they can send it to friends and say hey here is my collection just open in IE, etc.

Thanks for listening to me ramble...
Squid2k1 --- 18GB of revived Green Mk II Fury - Fast As A Shark