I dunno what you guys are calling reasonable here... The fact is the product is worth much more than the $199 SonicBlue was asking. I'd venture to say it's worth more than the $450 they seem to be going for on EBay. So anyone who's looking for someone to part with a Mk2 or Mk2a for $250 should realize that's probably not going to happen. If it does, then you're "robbing" the seller, not vice versa.

I don't know what you mean by "and to know that there are ppl out there with hardware sat redundant." Some people bought a 2nd Empeg as a backup. I'm one of them. Am I depriving someone of the ability to buy an Empeg? I guess so. Is that unfair? No, it's not. Everyone had their chances to buy them. If your only chance was the $199 price drop and you missed it, you are a victim of bad timing, and you're not alone.

Don't mistake me for a "profiteer." I paid $1599 for my Mk2 and $699 for my Mk2a and I'm not selling either at this point. But if I did sell one or the other, I would be insulted by anyone who offered $250 for it. The product was LIQUIDATED at a cost that was clearly below the market value. Indeed there are schmucks who bought a lot of them and want to just make a quick buck on EBay, but that's going to happen. If people are paying $450 for them, then that's what they're worth.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff