Initially, there weren't going to be any commercials, but now only some of the stations are commercial free. But even the commercial stations will have far fewer commercials than FM radio.

FM radio blows. I don't miss it at all. I wouldn't install a tuner if it was free. 80% or so of all the FM stations are owned by 3 companies. That is why they are all the same. FM makes me vomit. The only thing I do miss is NPR, but I am on the internet all day at work, so I just catch up on current affairs that way. I used to download technology news from... ZDNet I think, and listen to that too.

I actually think XM and Sirus radio is going to be cool if it is anything like the music stations I get with DirecTV. They play tons of stuff I have never heard. I don't think I have ever heard a song twice. In fact, I've discovered new bands this way. And once you are used to digital quality of the empeg, you don't want FM. And it is nice to have a "Seasonal" station for when the folks are over and want to hear Christmas music I would never buy (same goes for "soft rock") etc.
Brad B.