Yup, I realize (a.k.a. realise) that. What I want to do eventually is be able to delete my "source" mp3s from my server. They take up quite a bit of room. Since I plan on getting an HSX109 at some point, it should suffice to have a copy on the empeg(s) and a copy on the ADAC.

I do still want to be able to use these files at some later time. Say, I did want to move them to some new, as yet undeveloped, medium (or even back to a server), it would be very very good to have accurate ID3 tags... Well, the easiest way for me to do that would be to be able to run MP3TagStudio directly against the files on the empeg.

It wasn't really a concern about how they appeared on the player, I'm more insterested in making the actual mp3 file have correct tags for the future.
