Seriously! I'm a little outta practice being that I've been a sys admin for the last 6 years, but I already got my matierial in the mail.... I'm new to empeg though, just got my player 3 weeks ago... waiting to get it back now, I had to send it in for repairs along with the tuner. But when I get it back I'm going to try and mold the buttons. I'll have to be creative being that I only have one set of buttons I wanna do it with materials that won't leave the original buttons flawed. But that should be easy enough with a temporary alginate mold or flex wax mold... When I finish I plan to have a small but simple silicone mold of the buttons, I'll leave two small holes in each button mold for insertion of an injector... I've never really done anything this small before (normally big alien heads, severed hands... that kinda thing) but hopefully I can get it in one or two try's
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's