...[shuffle weighted by preference]...

This was going to be a 2.0 feature but never made it. In fact, the 2.0 player already supports it: if you manage to give your player a custom integer tag called, say, "rating", that goes from 0=tepid to 5=houge, then you could set up a custom shuffle mode that would preferentially put houge songs nearer the front, except for ones you've heard recently.

Then, every time you got into the car, you'd shuffle your whole player (or shuffle whichever genre you fancied, or whatever), and it would tend to pick highly-rated songs you hadn't heard for a while. The shuffle parameters (discussed to death by me in various shuffle threads findable on this BBS) could be tweaked to adjust the rating/recent trade-off.

Sadly, with the current 2.0beta of emplode, there is no way to add custom tags such as "rating" (it will preserve such tags if it finds them, but it won't display them). You'd have to use emptool, or do it all by steam (rewriting the *1 files and rebuilding the database).
