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a rating system might be simple to do, but could be a huge work if your collection is quite large... imagine rating 5,000 songs!

Agreed. That's why it would be great to rate them on-the-fly. All songs would be given an initial rating of, say, 5 to give them even odds. Once it's played, you can change the odds by rating it 1-4 (giving it less of a chance to play next time) or 6-9 (giving it more of a chance of playing). That way you don't have to go through Emplode and rate them all before hand. Also every time the song is played you can rate it differently. So, just because you heard it frequently the last two days doesn't mean that you'll be hearing it a lot in the future. All you do the next time you hear it is just rate it a one (or any number below five).

Now, we can either keep a running average of the ratings or have the rating reset everytime you rate it.

What do y'all think?
