Th'at's why when we tlak about we dont use the Word FREEWAY because for us it is not free at ALL.

ROFL! Good one! Maybe you should start calling tehm PAYways! (Mmmm...that has a nice ring to it!)

in the states, we have the same situation. freeways are indeed free to use. if you must pay to use the road, we tend to call them tollways in the midwest (chicago), or turnpikes out east.

here in chicago, the tolls were established to pay off the construction bonds over a 30-year timeframe. funny, though, after the 30-year period expired, rather than remove the tolls, they changed the law which granted limited authority to collect tolls. the tolls are now much higher, and to be collected indefinitely.

our state toll road authority is one of the most corrupt, patronage-driven organizations in the state. and that's saying something.
