Okay, the scenario:
I use my empeg at home and at work. At home, it has a static assigned internal IP. At work, it has to use DHCP.
I have to hook up a USB or serial cable every time i wanna switch it from one to the other, since if i'm at work, and the last place i used it was at home, i can't access it via ethernet because it's still on it's at home assigned IP and the oppisite for work. Got it?

I KNOW i could just change it before i leave home to DHCP or visa versa, and I KNOW i could just use USB at home or at work. The former will never happen as i'm running out the door in the morning, and the later won't work because i want it to be network accessible in both places.

SO, is there some way to switch from Assigned IP to DHCP on the player, on the fly? I'm fairly certain there isn't, and i know this has come up before. Could this be written into HiJack?! That would rock. Any other ideas that i'm too stupid to see?


|| loren ||