Yes - the empeg doesn't figure in the piracy issue at all, that has already occured b4 it has got to the empeg.

I don't see that just because the empeg only offers 1 way transfer that it would
stop ppl from grabbing mp3's from the net and uploading them - they would surely
just store a backup copy of them on some other media HDD/CD/Zip/Jazz etc.

Perhaps the empeg team should confront the RIAA with a proposal and see what kicks off ??

I expect they'll reply with the usual piracy waffle - which as I said in my previous post would surely be a case for descrimination as the RIAA aren't doing
a great deal about other very well established devices and am sure that if it were SONY etc they were dealing with their attitude would indeed be different.

So how about it EMPEG - lets march right in to the RIAA through the front door
and lay it down in front of them - what do we want BACKUP ! when do we want it NOW !!!!

Well that's enough ranting for one day !