I blinked and missed the 1st three versions

I tried out V4 and it looks pretty cool! I've got one bug to report and a couple features to request.

Bug: the vertical offset in the Result view seems to be a bit off... When I drag a point to Y=255, it's not visible. When dragging a point down to Y=0, there's a gap below it (probably the same size). (see attachment)

Feature requests:
- Undo
- Drag without holding shift
- Clicking RMB (or pressing ESC) while dragging releases drag and the point snaps back to its original location (same effect as let go then undo)
- Move -> Repeat checkable menu option (when checked, F9 plays continuously)
- Move -> Stop (only necessary if above is implimented)
- Frame -> Cut (lazy man's Frame -> Copy; Frame -> Delete Frame)
- Can Add New Frame copy the current frame and insert it after the current one?
- Can Delete Frame stay on the same frame number?
- Move -> Delete Move
- File -> Save As...

although, if you don't like any of these suggestions, just ignore 'em Just having an editor at all is a big help!

69497-off-top.PNG (63 downloads)

--The Amigo