I discovered that you cannot use the keyboard to navigate in emplode at all. For example, after synchonizing, it has a window up that required you to click "Close", but there is no way to do so without the mouse!

I've known about this bug for some time. I had a go at fixing it when I first discovered it but Windows seems to be behaving oddly. If you look at the button it has a default button type border around it which means it should just work if you press Enter - but it doesn't. I haven't tried pressing Tab a few times until the button gets the focus but if that doesn't work too then something very odd is going on. I'll try and have another look at it later.

I've tried to add keyboard shortcuts to frequent actions. I can think of one specific action that may not be particularly easy with the keyboard - I'll have a play later.

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Mike Crowe