I have not tried ver 1.03... is that what we do when something does not work, That's fine...

Well, more specifically:

If you are running BETA software, and you have a problem, see if the NON-BETA version exhibits the same bug.

Often comparing the stable version to the beta version can reveal important things about the behavior of the software. It also sometimes helps to be able to tell the deveopers "this problem started happening when I installed the beta, and it didn't happen in the last non-beta release", that way they can more easily track down the code that caused the problem.

If the bug also happens in 1.03, the bug should still be reported, though.

Once you have decided whether or not the bug happens in 1.03, then you can make a choice yourself whether you want to give up the new features in the beta in favor of the stability of the old version. That's your call.
Tony Fabris