There's not really a huge amount that can be done - we have to isolate a way to reproduce the fault and then work out why it's failing. The Mk2, as a safety measure triggered by these discussions, sends the key up code for a released button twice in sucession to ensure that the main CPU won't miss it. We can also ask it for a button state report, as the Mk2 has simple signalling to the display board for setting the display brightness level.

The fault is quite possibly related to the "EEEEEEK!" messages, which seem to point to strange things happening in the onboard-timer department of the StrongARM - if you get an EEEEEEK! then the IR data will most likely be pants. I'll go over the code again and see if there's anything else I can do - it's strange though, as the code is very simple and almost everyone who works here has looked over it by now :)

Sorry if I came across as a bit annoyed, I'd been up painting my gf's living room until 1am this morning (which was great fun!) and had to drive the empeg a-class back to Cambridge with Rob's empeg in it, which has rather too much lionel ritchie on it for my taste. In fact, no lionel ritchie is my taste :)

My empeg isn't currently suitable for in-car use, as it's a bastard lovechild of a MkII main board and a MkI casing...
