It already is, in v225.

Odd, I just checked Breakout to confirm I am running v225, and the only time it is outputted is when I am in the Vitals screen:

DEBUG: bug=0, jiffies=440412, cr:c7b54835, mr:c7b57000, sr:00000000

And an update to the lockup, just had a 3rd solid lock when the plaer was paused. One thing I had forgotten to do last time was actually try pressing the knob down. It worked, even thoulg the web server is dead. Pinging the empeg works though, so some of the kernel is still alive.

When I went into the Vitals screen, it continued to count normally. The last 2 lines from the serial port when I was in that acreen are:
DEBUG: bug=0, jiffies=439075, cr:c4c4ef46, mr:c4c56000, sr:00000000
DEBUG: bug=0, jiffies=440412, cr:c7b54835, mr:c7b57000, sr:00000000