Oh - I shouldn't miss out on this one :-) Sorry I'm not reading this board all the time..

The bug happens like every or every 2nd day
It never scrolled through the menus by itself, not once, only on volume up/down
The bug happenened since I think I went to 8 something. I think it did not happen when I first got the unit (Serial #53) but I cannot recall what release was on there.
It happened before 10, after 10 and with 10a. The frequency the bug happens seemed to be lower with 10a now.
It happens anywhere in the song, beginning, end.
I'm mostly using 160kBit/s CBR MP3's.
I'm having the visuals on all time.
I almost never use the remote.
I use the standard, non patched customer image.

Thanks for checking on that, J.