$gallery->app->pnmDir = "/www/htdocs/music/band/netpbm";

Error: I can't find NetPBM at the location you provided. Gallery prefers
NetPBM version 9.9 and up. You can install just the binaries Gallery needs
from Gallery on SourceForge or, you can compile and install the entire
NetPBM package from NetPBM on SourceForge. Note: You can install the
binaries from the Gallery site even if you don't have root access on your box!

I can't seem to get it to find the files I downloaded then stuck in that directory. I just downloaded the tar file from sourceforge, unpacked it, and put it up there. was there anything else I needed to do?

It isn't as easy and painless as you make it out for people like me. It's not like I have a lot of access to my server. But overall I like it. It's gonna take me a while.

I also get this:

Error: /www/htdocs/music/band/temporary exists, but is not writeable by the webserver user. Try:

chown -R www /www/htdocs/music/band/temporary

or if that doesn't work

chmod -R 777 /www/htdocs/music/band/temporary

I don't know what this is.

Edited by DiGNAN17 (10/03/2002 23:29)