Ok, Anyone want to test this kernel binary? I've just spent 20 minutes sat in my car twiddling knobs, and I haven't experienced any pops or clicks while changing from -ve dB to Off to +dB and back again repeatedly.

There is a very small click if you use the top button to go directly from +/-6dB to Off, but the only way to deal with that is to code an automatic sequence to step down - and I think that would be a PITA to code and it might make the empeg sluggish while it went about it.

Oh, that test binary is based on Hijack 239 with the funky disco lighting.

The intermittent no-restore issue is still an issue, sadly. I am no closer to seeing a cause than I was earlier.

Edited by genixia (14/03/2002 21:48)
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.