As for business vs. government, you disagree with yourself in your post, in that it's the government protecting the rights of the businesses over and above the rights of the citizens. Government works as an intermediary, but it is business that forces the issue, usually through legal bribes (read ``campaign contributions'').

DMCA is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the law that was passed that, amongst other things, makes it illegal to try to circumvent copy protection.

We come to the conclusion that you hate immigrants based on earlier posts of yours that pretty much said that outright (that they should all be deported, or something to that effect; I'll see if I can find the thread). (Edit: Here we go: ``Bin Laden isn't really much of an extremist. He is actually doing what the Koran says. It's an evil religion. I also think that any foreign GUESTS should be sent home. They're not all guilty, but as a whole they've overstayed their welcome.'')

If you know what it is, then you should define it. It wouldn't take any more effort that using a dictionary, yet you fail to do so, instead naming a bunch of people who are no more liberal than the average Republican of twenty-five years ago, plus some political organizations that have very specifica agendas, that, IMHO, supercede conservative and liberal pigeonholes.

Then you list some ad hominem arguments that really have nothing to do with whether or not you know what a liberal is, nor with copy protection.

Also, you may note that the vast majority of the period between 1920 (when England's gun control laws were passed, if I'm correct) and today, the British government was controlled by the Conservative party, including what was likely the biggest period of crime in recent years, the Thatcher years, and you may note that she was a raving conservative.

In other words, don't just quote random facts and hope that they have something to do with the point. Try to gather a cohesive argument that you can defend, rather than just spouting off.

Edited by wfaulk (15/03/2002 20:24)
Bitt Faulk