You keep judging people on their morales. Let people freely trade amongst eachother as they like, and let God sort out the good and bad in the afterlife. Anything other than free trade is oppression. If you wanted to trade one of your spare empegs to a friend of yours for a bicycle or whatever, do you think someone should come in and dictate how the barter should go down? Or would you tell'em to go mind their own f'ing business and let you and your friend do what you like? Is that being greedy? Or just fair?

It's like you want someone to come and control your life for you. I don't get it. God put us all on this earth just the same. Why would I want to forfeit the right to another man to come and tell me what to do? If someone wants to be greedy, than I'll let them be greedy. It's none of my business. If someone wants to give everything they have to charity, then I'll let them give everything they have to charity. It's none of my business. As some guy once said, "the right to swing your fist ends where my nose starts." And that's how it should be. You have the right to swing your fists like a damn madman as long as you don't hit anyone in the nose. I'm in no position to judge why the hell someone swings their fists. Just don't hit me in the nose. If someone wants to self-destruct by being greedy, then there's nothing I can do. And making money isn't being greedy. You're not taking money away from anyone. You are in effect creating the money. If you carve a chair out of wood then you have made something worthless into something of value. The chair is only worth anything because someone is willing to trade their money for it. It's a fair trade. Why is it fair? Because their willing to do it. That's not being greedy. That's just making a living. Nobody forces anyone to buy or do anything.