1) jEmplode - "position" of FID's in soup playlists is correct
2) jEmplode - sort by position doesn't take 100 years now (though it uses more ram)
3) jEmplode - column widths are saved
4) AnimEdit - changed error message
5) AnimEdit - reusable "Animation" model
6) AnimEdit - created AnimationApplet
7) AnimEdit - ESCAPE in TextTool cancels text
8) AnimEdit - Text is _only_ committed when you hit enter
9) AnimEdit - Switching frames stops and restarts the current Tool (i.e. clears text)
10) AnimEdit - Read animation back off w/ Hijack to doublecheck
11) AnimEdit - Added File... New...
12) AnimEdit - Confirmation dialogs before clearing animation

Edited by mschrag (18/03/2002 16:22)