My plan seemed like a simple one:

1. Install the "precompiled toolchain"
2. try some simple thing to prove that it works.
3. try to compile a straight up kernel
4. figure out the .zImage thing
5. upon success to this point, attempt to obtain all of the pieces and build the toolchain myself
6. try some simple thing to prove it works
7. try to compile a kernel with my toolchain
8. try out some of my own kernel hacks

OK, so I launched off on this simple plan. It started out pretty good, but I'm having a little trouble along the way. Maybe someone can give me a few pointers...

1. Installed "precompiled toolchain" without any problems.

2. Built beep.c without problems. Noticed that I can build it with the path "user/local/armtools-empeg/arm-empeg-linux/bin" and the command "gcc" OR the path "user/local/armtools-empeg/bin" and the command "arm-empeg-linux-gcc".

3. and 4. downloaded the v2b11 kernel source from the empeg site (actually the beta 11 kernel source and the 14 patch files to bring it up to v2b11). After some twiddling with the unpack destination directories I got the kernel source unpacked and patched to v2b11.

I actually ended up with the whole thing in the following path:


Q1: What path should I be using? The patch files really insist on the "./empeg/kernel" portion, but I gather from some readme files I read somewhere that the "home/..." area is not the correct place.

The Makefile uses the "arm-linux-empeg-gcc" stuff, so now I gather that the correct path for the cross-compiler bits should be the "user/local/armtools-empeg/bin".

I also see from the readme in that came with the kernel source download, that I am supposed to do the following (presumably from the ".../empeg/kernel" directory):

make configure
make dep
make zImage

Well, the "make configure" asks about a zillion questions. At first I thought that I could just take all of the defaults (since the makefile uses 'arm-linux-empeg-gcc', I assumed that the defaults were empeg). Not so. So I poked around and found lots of files with names similar to 'config' scattered throughout the kernel source.

Q2: Is there some kind of configuration file that answers all of these questions to give me a standard empeg kernel, or do I just have to go through each one and figure out the correct answer for the empeg? (many are obvious, but not all of them)

I tried to answer all of the questions by hand, but I must have messed up because the "make dep" had a few complaints but finished OK, but the "make zImage" failed miserably.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?

