yes! That rocks!!! Successful kernel build in da house! Thank you Shonky (that's exactly what I needed) and SMU and of course Mark Lord!

So, for fun (and education) I wrote the following scripts:

One to download and install the precompiled toolchain: 'gettools'
# This will download the precompiled toolchain form Mark Lord and install it in /usr/local/armtools-empeg

( ! test -f armtools-empeg.tar.bz2 && wget )
su -c "(( test -d /usr/local/armtools-empeg && rm -r /usr/local/armtools-empeg ) ; tar -xvjf armtools-empeg.tar.bz2 -C / )"

One to get all of the sources: 'getsource'
# This will download:
# the unmodified v2.00b11 source,
# the voladj.patch,
# the rdsfake.patch and
# the v###.hijack.v200b11.patch
# all from Mark Lord's site.

echo v${1:-265}.hijack.v200b11.patch
( ! test -f linux-v2.00b11.tar.bz2 && wget )
( ! test -f voladj.patch && wget )
( ! test -f rdsfake.patch && wget )
( ! test -f v${1:-265}.hijack.v200b11.patch && wget${1:-265}.hijack.v200b11.patch )

And one to unpack, patch and build the kernel (it preforms all of the steps outlined by Shonky): 'extract-patch-build'
# This will extract the kernel source, apply the patches, and build the zImage
( test -d linux-v2.00b11 && rm -r linux-v2.00b11 )
tar -xvjf linux-v2.00b11.tar.bz2
cd linux-v2.00b11
patch -p0 < ../voladj.patch
patch -p0 < ../rdsfake.patch
patch -p1 < ../v${1:-265}.hijack.v200b11.patch
cp arch/arm/def-configs/empeg-car2 arch/arm/def-configs/empeg
make empeg_config
make oldconfig
make dep
make clean
make zImage
echo Your kernel image is in linux-v2.00b11/arch/arm/boot/zImage

These can be run from any directory. For example, mine are in '/home/Steve/download/empeg/hijack'.

These download and build hijack version 265 by default, if there is a newer version then type the version number on the command line like this: './getsource 266', and './extract-patch-build 266'.

So if you were starting from scratch you could:

1. create a directory like ' /whatever/path/you/like/mykernel' and cd over to it
2. place the three scripts in that directory
3. run the './gettools' script and supply your root password when prompted
4. run the './getsource' script
5. run the './extract-patch-build' script pressing enter when it pauses

and there you have it! All of the tools, source, patches and a nice shiny new zImage all generated on your Linux machine.

I'm sure there are better ways of doing things, but this gets all of the pieces, puts them in a usable place, applies all of the patches, and performs all of the build steps. So it's a good start that answers many questions.

So, from here I can begin to hack the kernel, and if I screw it up too badly, I can always go back to ground zero fairly easily.

The next most obvious question is how do I create my own '.patch' files?

