I de-installed Dungeon Siege after about 2 hours of play.

I knew it was basically going to be Diablo 2 going into it. And it's a great implementation, it looks like it's every bit as fun as Diablo 2. Graphically, it's quite impressive. But after a couple of hours, I noticed the following:

- It didn't seem to get any more interesting. After a couple of hours, I was still doing the same thing over and over again: repeatedly slaying the same monsters in slightly different environments.

- Camera issues. 3D is nice, but if I've got to constantly rotate and pan the camera to find stuff in the local environment, it's a pain. I found myself longing for the isometric fixed-camera world of Diablo. I actually walked right by an entire HOUSE which included a complete sub-quest just because the camera was in the wrong position and I didn't see it as I walked by. I only went back to it because I hit a linedef that triggered an onscreen hint after I'd passed it. After this moment I actually started developing a headache because I had to become obsessive about panning the camera around the environment every time I journeyed a screenful's worth of distance, just to make sure I didn't miss a crate or a barrel or a dungeon entrance or something.

- I had already gotten burned out on Diablo 2, and this was almost identical gameplay. If there were differences between this game and Diablo 2, I didn't see them in the first two hours. I figured I'd given it enough of a chance to grab me in two hours, and if it hadn't done so by then, it was NWMT.

I'm not saying Dungeon Siege is a bad game, in fact it seems like it's a better game than Diablo 2 in almost every way. If I hadn't already played all the way through Diablo 2, I probably would have loved every minute of it. It's just that I had this feeling of "been there done that" the whole time I was playing it.

I'm told the only reason I liked Diablo 2 is because I hadn't played Diablo 1 at all. Now I see why.
Tony Fabris