Yep. tanstaafl was half right. This guy has installed several Neo Cars but only one Empeg/Rio Car.

Then add that they tried to hook up the Empeg to my system via RF. Hello! Empegs don't have any significant power to drive the RF signal! I asked them about installing an amp between the head unit and the Empeg (seemed obvious to me). It was like a light went on over their heads.

So clueless. At least they didn't break anything. In the meantime, while they order a tiny amp to fit in the dash of my Miata, I have an RF-based install which, while mediocre, is better than nothing.

Now I wish that I'd never taken my father's advice and instead took the vehicle and Mk2 to Myer-Emco as I was initially predisposed to do!

Edited by Evan (03/06/2002 12:03)
--- Mk2a 20GB SN:010102163 '99 Miata