I just upgraded to Windows 2000. I was having MASSIVE problems ripping anything from CD. One problem was that I had to add an ASPI layer to Windows 2000... Read more about ASPI layer installation here... http://www.winchan.net/aspi/

The other HUGE problem was that my CD rom drives were operating in "PIO" mode WITHOUT my knowledge... It is a serious problem Windows 2000 has where sometimes it doesn't realize that your cd-rom drive or DVD drive supports DMA mode. If you are having problems, you might want to check this link out.... http://www.rojakpot.com/Other_Articles/Win2K_Tips/IDE_DMA/IDE_DMA.htm

I really hope that this helps at least ONE other person. I was pulling my hair out for about a week because I couldn't burn a CD over 8X (I have a 16X drive). Turns out that my burner was also in PIO mode. It really pisses me off because if I wouldn't have read the online article about it, I NEVER WOULD HAVE FIGURED THIS OUT...

Anyone else have any Windows 2000 tips, hints or tricks (or problem fixes I should know about)? I don't need any more little "suprises" from microsoft...