There's been alot of talk about normalization in the songs - especially in random play mode..

This sounds like a good idea, but can I recommend something else? How about a 2-4 second cross fader? Alot of my music collection (and I'm sure alot of other people's...) are continously mixed cds... this kinda sucks in random play mode, but I don't want to exclude them from random play mode... It would work alot easier if there could be a short cross-over period (lower the volume on the one playing, at the same time bring in the new one and increase it's volume..) this could be the default option for Random play...

Just a suggestion:) The windows player that I currently use (apollo - great player, unfortunately it's no longer being developed) has this feature, and it really helps in random mode...

...proud to have one of the first Mark I units
_________________________ - clublife, revisited.