Ah, but that 132kbps recording mode is ATRAC 3 (AKA minidisc format). Not sure how a comparison between between mp3/atrac bitrates works out.
OTOH, the use of ATRAC explains the "real time ripping speed". The requirement to "rip" at real-time speed was what made me give up using my minidisc. Getting music on the player was a PITA. It was like recording on a tape. Though they now have higher recording speeds on the new ones. I even went to the effort of getting an optical output sound card to try to make it easier. Still a pain.
I didn't see it mentioned on that page, but I read somewhere that you can insert a CD and let it rip even while the car is off. That would be plus.
Another thing. The built in CDDB. I wonder if you are forced to accept the info it finds for a CD - spelling errors and all. Or perhaps the database was vetted for accuracy? Ha! Not likely.
And from what I read, you can't record from a "mix CD" you've burned. Thanks to SCMS.
And the memory stick player is just that. A player. Can't transfer or record from the memory stick to the unit.

But it has a Pop-Up Rotary Volume.
Damn, I love PURV's. Where's my checkbook?
-- Terry K -- 30Gb Smoke / Toyota 4x4 30Gb Amber / Bounder RV Pants first, then shoes