The login page here at the BBS is a POST form, but the action of that form is forgiving enough (actually, being that I write web server security software, I would say STUPID enough) to also allow these manually created GET requests. This is a very poopy idea.

I somehow doubt such a tool exists, in that it would have to read your POST body data (dunno if there are *.Script client-side ways to get that) and plop it onto the end of your URL. How many sites do you visit that actually allow these credentials to be passed clear-text in GET requests? That's just awful.

Use the password, Luke. And use IE's built-in password storage feature which makes logging in when the cookie expires not-such-a-pain-in-the-keester.

Edited by yn0t_ (27/06/2002 15:06)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff