Hi all... Long-time lurker, first-time poster.

I'm counting the days 'til my brand-new 20 GB rio car arrives in the mail. I've got a question, though:

I have a spare 12 GB IBM drive right here, ready to go -- should I install it immediately or should I wait a while?

I've read the Drive Upgrade faq ( http://www.riocar.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Drive_Upgrade&file=index ) and don't expect I'd have any trouble with the installation process. However, I don't yet have 20 GB worth of music and I'm a little wary of tearing apart a device before I've given it a chance to crap out on its own without any of my help.

I read that transferred music is written to that drive with the most free space, but that doesn't seem to help sway me one way or the other.

Veteran insight greatly appreciated.
