Nope, all it would really take is for someone to backport ReiserFS properly, or port the empeg-car drivers to 2.4

What about going to ext3 instead? I found ext3 patches for as far back at linux-2.2.19 (empegs kernel is 2.2.14). I played with it a little bit and couldn't get them to patch cleanly against the empeg tree, but somebody more familiar with the kernel than I am might be able to. Or we could try to get the empeg tree up to 2.2.19 and go from there. Anybody know if ext3 from that long ago (it is version 0.0.7a) would even work on an arm platform? It seems like this would be less work than getting all the empeg changes ported up to 2.4.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration