I'm trying to create a bootable CD-ROM, usually I tell my Adaptec CD creation software that I want a bootable CD and it says 'stick the bootable floppy in drive A & Click Ok' and then it reads the floppy disk in and adds 2 files (bootimg.bin and bootcat.bin) to the root of the CD image which makes it bootable.

However, my software for some reason does not like the current bootable floppy I have - it reports some kind of read error when it tries to add it to the CD image I'm making - I know the floppy disk is good as I've tested the floppy boots correctly in 3 different machines.

Now, I have some questions to do with this.

What is in the bootcat.bin file? - it looks like binary information of some kind.

I can see that bootimg.bin appears to contain the image of the floppy disk (more or less). But when I replaced the bootimg.bin file I had previously made with other bootable CD's with a copy of my floppy produced by raread (I left bootcat.bin as it was) the CD wouldn't boot on my system - I got a boot error like it was a non-bootable floppy disk image - which I know its not.

So, is there some standard somehwere that defines how to make a CDR bootable?
And if so, are there any tools that let me create my own boot images from my own floppy disks? Without having to rely on the Adaptec software to do it for me?
[strikes me that being able to make boot image larger than 1.44MB would be useful and not having to make a floppy disk up firts would be a time saver too].

I'm running Windows 2000 and the floppy boot disk is a DOS boot disk (which works fine).