What I'd recomend is the olympus D500-L, just because I have it and still think it's a great all around camera, even if the resoultion sucks by today's standards. You can probably pick it up for $150 on ebay, which is a bit more than you're looking to spend... (the D600L is higher res, but costs more)
I like it and bought it for $800 when it came out because it's an SLR camera. It's still an autofocus/one piece, but you look through the actual lens. For action shots, it's great because you can pre-focus, and take the picture immediatly when you press down. You also know where it's focusing, and can tell if it's actually focused or just think it is.
It's downsides are that it's big by today's standards, and it's outdated. I still keep mine around, and I'm not replacing it until I can afford a canon D30/60.