A place in Jeanette, PA but I've had parts chromed in Houston previously and never had a problem like you are describing. That's who chromed my Empeg handle plus parts for the fold down seat in my Mustang.

Not sure what the shop you encountered did but they're supposed to layer on the copper to fill pits and also use a copper paste for fill if the pitting is too bad. Then they lay down nickel (for hardness I believe) and then thin layers of chromium. It sounds like your was quickly dipped in all three. The heads on the screws of the fascia were lightly chromed. It took all of 15 minutes to dip from copper/rinse/nickel/rinse/chrome/rinse but they look great.

Call a cycle shop or stop by one and look at the custom bikes. These guys chrome everything. The owners should be able to help you find a reputable shop.

Where are you at in LA? I used to live in N.O. and can ask some friends for a recommendation for a chrome shop.

Edited by Mach (20/05/2003 21:26)