Hi there. I recently got a rio car empeg mk2 and have a few questions if someone could help me out (questions I did not see in the FAQ):
1) After emploding when it reboots, the player seems to hang with the flashing light. If I reset it with the power cord, the process resumes normally, otherwise the emplode fails with an error on reboot. My emplode version and kernel are the latest, 2.0 b11. Anyone know if this is a known bug, if there is a fix, where to report bugs, etc?
2) I'd like to easily dock my empeg at home and office. Does anyone make any desk docking stations that minimally include a quarter inch audio jack, clipless ethernet plug, usb, serial, and power? Something I can simply slide in and it's on and ready to go. I know, I could do it myself, but i'm very busy. I'm willing to pay for a couple of professionally made ones if there are any available (or if anyone wants to make some).
3) How do I reset the plays counters on all the files? I tried to delete the songs (including the files) but the counters are still there when I put the songs back. No doubt in a database that is not updated with deletions etc. How would I go about resetting the counters?
4) Larger volume knobs. I have big hands, the knobs are rather small and short. Does anyone make a taller and/or wider knob? Perhaps with some traction around the edge too.
5) Alternate forms of emploding. My MP3 archive is accompanied by some master playlists that combine multiple albums or various songs. However it won't let me add on the m3u (or other?) playlists. Is this something that will be included in the future? It seems rather silly that I would be expected to regenerate these playlists on the unit when they're already done on the server and could probably be mapped fairly easily. Basically i'd like to see something where I can drag and drop my mp3 directory every so often and it update everything, including the playlists i've already generated. It would be kind of cool to do wendy filters using playlists as well. I'm not using wendy filters right now, but that too would be useful and shouldn't be too difficult to adapt. Again, would rather keep someting like that centralized on my server in common formats and not have to do it twice.
6) When adding a file by the same name, but file size, checksum, date, etc has been changed, will it delete the old file and upload the new one? I have not tried this but noticed when I tried to upload the same file it skipped it based on "matching filename", thus the question.
7) Related question. Is it possible to do some sort of mirror operation, including deleting files from the empeg when they do not exist on the PC? I have large mp3 archive and if I correct typos, correct previously unnoticed CDDB errors, or decide to delete the mp3s altogether, i'd like to be able to automatically reflect such changes on the empeg.
It's too bad they stopped making these. I wanted one since I first heard about it back in 1998 or 1999, but until recently only had a single DIN car so it was not really feasible since I also want cd player in the dash. Now that I finally have one I look forward to using it. I'll probably install it this weekend.
Thanks for any help or information you can provide.
Charlotte, NC USA