mount or mount -v never shows me any mounts other than the root (/dev/hda5) on my empeg. I'm not sure why this is. Try cat /proc/mounts and you should see all the mounted drives.

As for the 2 drive issue - both drives in my 60GB were partitioned the same. I assume that the same image is initially on both drives, although it'd be nice to get confirmation of this from Peter or one of the other Empeg guys. It'd also be good to get confirmation that /dev/hda2 is currently unused on Mk1 models.

Yeah, "/programs0" is....bleuch. But it is obvious, something that /usr/local is not, and I'm trying to make using 3rd party apps easier for everyone - especially those who don't necessarily know much unix/linux, as they are going to be the ones having the most trouble with it. But if someone comes up with an alternative that eveyone else prefers to /programs0 then I'll go with it .

Edited by genixia (22/07/2002 05:25)
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.