/opt has been used on linux systems in the past - usually by third party commercial vendors more used to the SysV world, but is offically obsolete as far as the LSB is concerned, in favor of /usr/local. But I can't really see much benefit in trying to religously follow the standard LSB on the empeg - I think that given the number of potential apps is relatively small, there is no net gain from using package management, and without some form of package management, the LSB model becomes tricky to administrate - expecially for linux/unix newbies, and/or a larger burden on developers. Given all of that, I'm more in favor of the /opt style, although I still think that /programs is more obvious to newbies.

Maybe I'm just being a little short-sighted or cynical though. Maybe the app developers would be willing to make the neccessary adjustments to easily install and run under a more standard LSB model. Given the release of a graphics library, maybe this could be a good thing in the long run.
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