Okay, I'm still having problems with my CD drive. It's actually a DVD drive but I don't think it has anything to do with that.

Here's the short of it. I can't seem to run a large number of applications from it, and no ripping program seems to be able to detect it. If I open EAC and run the setup wizard, it will ask me to select the drive I want to use from a drop-down menu below, and there is no menu. I've looked everywhere in the program and can't get the drive to be recognized in it. I had the same problem with AudioCatalyst.

Also, when I try to run setups for a lot of things, I'll get an error message like "Application Error" "The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000006)." and then I have to just terminate it and I can't get it to work. I also get problems a lot when I try to drag and drop files from the CDs. It'll say it has a problem with moving it or something, and it just won't budge. Sometimes this will only affect one file on a CD, sometimes several, sometimes whole folders.

What's going on??