I'm having these same problems again. I know this keeps coming up, but I've never found a good solution, and I can't remember what solved it last time. It might have been a reformat that did it. I don't want to do that

Has anyone had success with this recently? I don't want to uninstall Nero, because I can't find my key at the moment. I'll try uninstalling EAC, but I don't think that's the problem. Any other ideas? The above suggestions didn't work last time or this time.

Scratch that! Apparently this is a new problem that worries me a little more! I ran the configuration wizard, and apparently EAC can see the drives, but doesn't think anything is in them! When it runs the tests, it keeps asking to put an audio CD in the drive and I've tried several but it can't see them. What is wrong??

*edit edit*
I appologize. Apparently this problem is actually pretty common. There is a sticky thread on EAC's forums about installing the correct ASPI layer to solve the issue. I found the VOB ASPI layer and using the option in EAC to select it, it is all working now. Thanks anyway. I was just panicked because I had to listen to these tracks on a CD for a listening exam tomorrow, the digital audio cable on the CDROM isn't working, and my CD player broke! AH!

Edited by DiGNAN17 (27/02/2003 22:04)