I am having trouble getting the web interface to work correctly.

I have loaded up the latest build (beta 13), latest hijack (289) and have downloaded and installed the latest update to the web interface.

I have poured over the FAQ, and have made the necessary registry entry to allow me to edit the config.ini from within emplode.

First of all, I can't find an [output] section anywhere. Should it be there, or is it a new entry?

Secondly, when I add it to either the very beginning or end of the config.ini file, it doesn't seem to have any effect. I still get the error from the web interface that tells me I need to add that line to the config.ini.

I have performed a sync after making the change, and I have also tried a refresh of the web page. Still doesn't work.

I realize I am probably missing something quite simple, I just can't see it right now.

Please advise!

