Once again, no one is asking for empeg to spend one minute working on a mac version of emplode at this time. We are just looking for something to get us started writing our own.

I respect Rob and appreciate the fact that his postings here are not as a official representative of Empeg. I am not sure however, that the average reader of this board understands that. I also do not know how he would respond to the same query placed through official channels ([email protected]). This is why I decided to post my original response re: customer service.

I am not trying to press empeg too hard at this point. I am primarily trying to evaluate my options. Do I wait for empeg to release something, do I attempt to reverse engineer the protocals with etherpeek or a similar tool, do I look for another mp3 player that will better suit my needs, do I wait for someone else to write something? I don't have an empeg yet, and before I drop $2k on one I do not think that it is unreasonable to ask when the already promised sync source code will be available.

If anyone at empeg thinks I am being an a**hole about this please tell me and I will not waste anymore of their time with this discussion (I will continue to evaluate my options privately). If anyone at empeg wants to publicaly state when the already promised source will be available that is fine too. My only gripe is that 'whenever it is ready' is really not a very good answer. If Rob sent you a letter saying they would like you to pay for your empeg now and that they will ship it to you 'whenever it is ready' how would you respond?


EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration