I wanted to get the opinions of people here. I've seen you mention this subject here and there, but I want to see what you think, straight out.

PS2, Gamecube, XBox.

Which one?

I've seen very positive comments from people with Gamecubes, and I must admit, after playing each console, it sure beats the other two on the controller. The XBox is just a disaster in that arena, and I've never liked Sony's contollers for either PS system. The problem is the games.

The deal breaker for me? I'm ashamed to say it: Mario Kart. Mario Kart was a main reason for buying N64 for me. It's also the main game that still gets played on that system.

I also like other games out there like GTA3, but that's an exclusive PS2 console game until 2004 (jerks).

Another thing for me to consider is that I buy new consoles at the end of their curve. I bought PS when PS2 was a few months old for $60. That's about the time I plan on getting the next one. So waiting for games isn't the thing. It's the games that will be out in the end that I'm concerned with. The Gamecube landscape is looking pretty thin to me.

So what do you guys suggest?