Great idea. My idea would be similar but different. If we could convince ol' mister Valentine (of Valentine 1 fame) to whip out a detector-only detector ... with no display, button, audio, or laser circuitry (to make it small as possible), and swing a Dallas Semi-conductor one wire hookup (or just serial out), run this to the empeg for the display, control, and audio ... then stuff the detector in a similar spot as yours, or in my case, behind the rear view mirror.
The key here would be leaving off all unnecessary circuitry, but adding a method of digital output (like the serial, etc, above).
My problem is the Valentine 1 is unsightly, and it's so damned obvious. If they were priced as other detectors, I'd simply buy it and mod it myself ... but at $400, I'm a little to chicken-[censored] to wave a soldering iron near one.