By the way, how fast were you going for a $300 fine?
It's not so much that I was going particularly fast. I think I was doing 71. The problem was that I was on a straight open highway in the middle of B.F. Nowhere, so I guessed the speed limit was 65 or at least 55. Turns out I'd just passed through a "town" (in quotes because it was one of those if-you-blink-you'll-miss-the-7-11-store-that-counts-as-a-"town" places), and that's where the guy was napping with his lights out and his continuous radar on "wake me up if it's worth the effort" mode. So the speed limit was 45. He was right on the edge of the 45 zone, too, so that he could nail people who were speeding up as they exited the town area.
He seemed real grouchy to have been awakened from his nap, too.