And while we're discussing bad MP3s, is there anyway that we can get the player NOT to play the screeching sounds when it hickups on a bad file? I know my ears should be used to "screeching and garbled up mess" but is it really necessary?'s good to know that I'm not the only one...I have a whole load of files that my brother ripped (I think with MMJB) that play fine in any mp3 software I've ever used except the empeg. On the empeg there is the screeching either at the beginning or end of the file (or occasionally both).

Anyhoo, we're in the process of re-ripping the whole bunch at a higher quality in EAC/Lame, but it'd be nice to have the tolerance that even the "cheap crap" mp3 players have for ignoring that stuff. It causes my passengers to put the aforementioned dents in the roof quite often.

I can provide sample files needed for testing if anyone wants to tackle this.
~ John