I have noticed the exact same thing with the left side of the handle. There is a little white a top of it where it buts up to left side of the main display overlay. It needs to be given just a shade more clearance to avoid this type of damage in the future.

I also notice the exact same thing about the LED. It is tucked away in the upper right corner, and with me being tall, and installing it in my Ford Explorer, there is no way I can see it. Actually, I really don't mind, because I always wanted to disable it on the MK.I.

Speaking about looking down to the unit, the other problem, which again, is not that big of a deal is that I kinda lose view of the upper left corner of the display. Now were not talking much, but for instance, when I am in the Now & Next view, I lost about half of the character of the NOW playing song. The reason for this is because the left side of the display overlay is smaller than the right side. The display overlay is fine in that it give a complete view of the screen, but since the screen is not flush with the overlay, if you are looking down at it, it gives you a tiny blind spot. Again, not a major complaint, just something to think about in the future.


Chris Zimmerman
[email protected]
Customer #427
Proud Owner of MK.I S/N 00028
Chris Zimmerman - #427
[email protected]
MK.I - 00028
MK.II - 060000051